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Hyperia Reaches 165ft Milestone

Thorpe Park
Friday 20th October 2023

Hyperia has reached a new milestone of reaching 165ft! The tower for one of the inversions is now complete and can be seen from all around the park. Since the tower was built on Monday the structure is now at its maximum height of 165ft without track of course! The tower has now been completed with mountings for track seen on the top and sides. With the highest point being the lift hill standing at 236ft this tower will soon be towered over very soon.

Work on building the station building continues with the structure almost looking complete. A small stash of black steel beams can be seen on the floor waiting to be installed. You can see the platform where the on and offload will be and the gap in the middle where the track will run. With the site cleared for access for cranes and larger vehicles, we can now also see the ground pins for the break run leading into the station.

Around the rest of the site more supports have been installed and a few more track sections have been installed. The track is now very visible from the bridge when walking to Colossus. Foundations for the base of the lift hill now appear to be being worked on with new rebar spotted in the location of where the base will soon be placed.

We wonder how long it will be until the track is installed on the 165ft structure!